Visual Design

Client: Nuffer, Smith & Tucker

I developed this landing page and annual report cover spread concept for Nuffer, Smith and Tucker Public Relations as part of a “Design Challenge” I was asked to perform in order to be considered for a Senior Designer role I applied for. Said landing page and annual report was based off of provided content, around an initiative to bring awareness to their agricultural trends and insights program. Using only limited provided copy and stock photos I sourced from adobe stock, I developed the look and feel using a mixture of NST established branding and my own UI/UX and layout design ideas. A main goal; tie-in this concept directly with the annual report portion of the challenge and create visual cohesion between the two. Although I wasn’t selected for the role, I feel these concepts showcase how I can be a versatile and creative multidisciplinary designer with little to no art direction and very minimal content.

Annual report interior page layout

Annual report cover concept